A Magical Christmas Adventure
Create unforgettable memories with the Personalised GIRLS "It's Christmas" Story Book, featuring Santa and his mischievous Elf, Twinkles. This enchanting tale invites young readers to embark on a festive journey to help save Christmas, making it the perfect gift for little ones who adore the magic of the season.
Personalisation Features:
- Child's Name: Up to 12 characters, sprinkled throughout the story.
- Custom Message: Add a personal touch with a message of up to 4 lines, 25 characters per line, on the front page inside the book.
This unique story book is not just a captivating read but a cherished keepsake. The personalised elements make each page come alive, engaging young imaginations as they become part of the adventure.
Product Details:
- Format: Softback stapled booklet
- Length: 32 beautifully illustrated pages
- Standard Text: "It's Christmas" on the cover and within the story
Perfect as a stocking filler or a thoughtful Secret Santa gift, this story book is designed to bring joy and excitement to any child's Christmas.
Please remember to avoid block capitals for the child's name, ensuring a smooth reading experience. Give the gift of a personalised story this festive season!
- Weight: 0.252 KG
- Height: 29.5 CM
- Width: 20.6 CM
- Depth: 0.4 CM